Stockholder Tools

Welcome to the IX Water Investor Community, or as we like to call it… The IX-Force.

As an investor in IX Water, we are confident you want to see the company succeed and its value increase! We appreciate your support the IX Water Mission to solve regional drought via recycling unconventional waters.

If talent and intellectual property are the backbone of any startup, capital is the lifeblood, so meeting and exceeding our goal of $2 million during this crowdfunding round on Wefunder is critical to our collective success. This new capital will allow us to deploy transportable IX Water Machines in agricultural areas (Southern California to start) and extend our sales and marketing across the globe.

While being active on our social media sites, engaging with management, and passing along sales leads and ideas for future products and markets are certainly helpful, what we need right now is for every investor to help promote our crowdfunding round.

Below are some simple tools you can use to help IX Water.

Thank you again for all your support!

  1. John R Grizz Deal
  2. Deborah Deal-Blackwell
  3. Randy Wilson
  4. Otis Peterson, Ph.D.
  5. L. Robert Libutti, Ph.D.
  6. Jeri Graham, Ph.D.

The Founding IX-Men

Help us get the word out!

Your Investor Tools



The most effective way to share information is to copy and paste the content below into the appropriate platform. The content provided is an example of what you can share, but feel free to change it and add your own commentary as you see fit!

To boost engagement:

Right click (or long hold) to save any of the images below and add them to your post.

Follow and tag our official social media accounts.

Facebook Post

This is an example you can use to post on your Facebook timeline.


I invested in @IxWater and think you should too! They are solving regional drought problems by recycling unconventional waters so that freshwater can be used for agriculture, and they have the team, technology, and momentum to solve one of most pressing environmental challenges…


Instagram Post

This is an example you can use to post on your Instagram feed.

I invested in @IX_Water and think you should too! They are creating more sustainable sources of water by recycling wastewater, and they have the team, technology, and momentum to solve one of our most pressing challenges…


LinkedIn Post

This is an example you can use to post on your LinkedIn feed.


I invested in @ix-power-clean-water and think you should too! They are innovating and providing lower cost solutions in a largely stagnant water treatment market, creating more sustainable sources of water and they have the team, technology, and momentum to solve our most pressing water challenges…


LinkedIn Message

This is an example of a LinkedIn Private Message you can use to spread the word to your closest LinkedIn connections.


If you’re looking for any investment ideas, you should check out @ ix-power-clean-water

IX Water provides innovation in a largely stagnant water treatment market, solving regional water scarcity.


Below is an example tweet you can use to spread the word to your Twitter followers.


I invested in #IX_Water and think you should too! They are creating more sustainable water resources to supplement existing scarce water and I am extremely excited about their future…



This is an example email template you can use to send to your close friends and associates.

This has the highest impact.


Subject: New Opportunity 

Hey [NAME], I recently invested in a startup, IX Water. Thought you might be interested.

I was impressed by their team, the patent-protected technology portfolio, and vision for how to tackle some of our most pressing water challenges.


If you want to get in on their crowdfunding raise, you can learn all about it here:


Get in Touch

As part of this community, you also have access to our exclusive investor hotline.

Have any questions? Want to connect us directly with other potential investors? Want to share any ideas that might help us expand our market share?

Call or email the hotline number below!


IX Water T-Shirt Order Form

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