Water and the treatment of Women (and other disadvantaged peoples) – they are at the intersection of the world’s most pressing issues. The IX Power companies have dedicated their corporate missions to helping improve the future of both.
Let’s just address one part of the situation to start putting the whole picture in perspective.
In 80% of households without close access to water, the responsibility falls on women and girls to fetch and carry it. Around the world, females spend 200 million hours per day getting and water for their households. In poorer nations, they walk an average of nearly four miles per day for it. The time and energy used to access clean water perpetuates the cycle of poverty. Hours spent retrieving water means hours not working or studying. A study in Tanzania showed a 12% increase in attendance when water could be found within 15 minutes of more remote villages.
A further concern is the danger involved. In areas like Yemen, Syria, Iraq, and the border between Afghanistan and Iran, water is not only a source of discord, it is dangerous for women to make the trek to water sources each day. In addition to potential conflict between factions, there are risks of physical or sexual assault. Fetching water may, in fact, be truly dangerous. There is also the physical toll of carrying water. Jerry cans are used, each of which holds an average of five gallons and weighs 40 pounds. Women most often carry those containers on their heads, leading to serious injury to neck and spine, made worse when carried by young girls.
There are organizations that are trying to help these women. Concern Worldwide is one. They have a program that builds wells and boreholes in remote areas. They also ship water to areas stricken by drought. There are also a number of organizations that focus on bringing water closer to impoverished areas. Information about those can be found here: https://buff.y/2RHcqeQ
