by Deborah A. Deal, APR | November 12, 2020 | Drinking Water, Industrial Wastewater, O & G Produced Wastewater, Wastewater
State regulators approved an energy company’s request to inject millions of gallons of oil and gas wastewater into a freshwater aquifer in central Wyoming!!! Whaaaaat? O&G wastewater (aka produced water) has heavy metals, organic hydrocarbons, chemicals, salt and...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | July 30, 2020 | Industrial Pollution, Industrial Wastewater, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater, Uncategorized, Wastewater, Water
Toluene is the terrible “T” in the BTEX family of chemicals – Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene. BTEX compounds are among the most abundantly produced chemicals in the world. IX Water is concerned about its presence in produced water from oil...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | September 11, 2019 | Earthquakes, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater
Here’s some good news!  According to news reports  (and the one we saw was in the Pittsburgh City Paper)  the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection says that 90 percent of Oil & Gas operations wastewater is recycled in Pennsylvania, and only 7...