by Deborah A. Deal, APR | February 12, 2021 | Location, Water
New Mexico is making progress! Yesterday a NM Senate bill that would restrict the use of freshwater by oil and gas operations in most cases, and assess penalties for spills, passed the Senate Conservation Committee Tuesday and proceeded through the Legislature. Senate...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | November 23, 2020 | O & G Produced Wastewater, Water
The Colorado Oil & Gas Conservation Commission Unanimously Ado​pts New Rules. COGCC announced today it has completed the rulemaking hearings addressing Mission Change, Alternative Location Analysis, Cumulative Impacts, and Compensatory Mitigation for Wildlife, as...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | November 19, 2020 | Environment, Industrial Wastewater, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater, Wastewater
What’s holding parched California back from treating and reusing its produced water (wastewater) from oil & gas drilling? The Bakersfield Californian reported recently that it’s money. John Cox reports that “treating oilfield produced water can be expensive, not...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | November 17, 2020 | O & G Produced Wastewater, Wastewater, Water
Beautiful, aren’t they? They are the blossoms of almond trees! Almonds are native to Iran and surrounding countries. The U.S. grows them mainly in California. Tasty and nutritious, almond trees require a LOT of water, which is in short supply in CA. But CA does...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | November 16, 2020 | Earthquakes, Environment, Water
Here’s how our company, IX Power Clean Water, can prevent earthquakes … Earthquakes are estimated to cost the nation $6.1 billion annually in building stock losses according to FEMA. It has become glaringly obvious is that the way oil & gas companies...