by Deborah A. Deal, APR | October 2, 2020 | Climate Change, Environment, Wildfire
Just don’t breathe it … that’s what my doctor’s office told me yesterday. Surf the Internet’s medical sites and you’ll find the smoke from wildfires is accused of dramatically increased asthma attacks, damage to your lungs and heart, strokes, and even heart attacks...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | April 22, 2020 | Climate Change, Drinking Water, Environment, Fire, IX Water, Uncategorized, Wastewater, Wildfire
In many climates, summer means wildfire season. A wildfire is an uncontrolled, unwanted, and unplanned fire that burns a wildland area. Wildfires are accepted by scientists today as a natural part of many ecosystems, and have an important role in maintaining a balance...