Water – winding rivers, tranquil lakes, stormy seas – throughout time, water is one the most popular subjects of watercolorists. There’s something about water that draws people in – both painters and the people that view their work.  Maybe they realize how important it is to life – to just about everything: industry and therefore the economy, our daily health and food, recreation, and more. Unfortunately, many people – watercolorists included – don’t know how endangered our water is.

The beautiful bodies of water that watercolorists love to paint continue to be polluted on a daily basis.

According to the United Nations:

  • Every day, 2 million tons of sewage and industrial and agricultural waste are discharged into the world’s water, the equivalent of the weight of the entire human population of 6.8 billion people.
  • The UN estimates that the amount of wastewater produced annually is about 1,500 km3, six times more water than exists in all the rivers of the world.

Two-thirds of the world is covered in water, but the vast majority of water on earth is saltwater and therefore not fit for human consumption or many of our most water-demanding activities. Only 2.5% of all water is fresh water; but more than two-thirds of that is locked away in ice caps and glaciers. That leaves us with just a relatively little bit of water for livestock, irrigation of crops, cooking, drinking, etc. and much of it is polluted with pharmaceuticals, chemicals, heavy metals, pesticides and herbicides, and more.

The amount of H2O on our planet will always remain the same and won’t run out as such.

The question is whether we will have enough clean water for all our needs!

The beautiful bodies of water that watercolorists love to paint continue to be polluted on a daily basis. Join the movement to save our water at StartEngine.com/ixwater

The beautiful bodies of water that watercolorists love to paint continue to be polluted on a daily basis. Join the movement to save our water at StartEngine.com/ixwater

We won’t.  At the rate we are going now, we won’t.

•World population will increase from 7 billion today to 9 billion+ in 2050.
•This will increase pressures on the natural resources such as water that supply energy & food.
•Global water demand (in terms of water withdrawals) is projected to increase by 55% by 2050.
•More than 40% of the global population is projected to be living in areas of severe water stress by 2050.
•In the developing world, water scarcity is having the greatest impact. There are already more than 1.8 billion people, who only have access to water that is not safe for human consumption.
  • 70% of industrial wastes in developing countries are disposed of untreated into waters where they contaminate existing water supplies. Much of the growing demand for water will come from the manufacturing industry, which will increase by 400%.


In North America, 45% of our water is used by industry – much more than agricultural use or domestic use. A huge amount of this water is not recycled. Take the oil & gas industry which generates 150 billion barrels of highly toxic wastewater a year. This wastewater is not cleaned for reuse. It’s trucked offsite and re-injected into the ground or put in ponds. That’s 150 billion barrels of water just thrown away.  If the oil & gas industry could be persuaded to adopt affordable and efficient water cleaning technologies such as those offered by IX Water, that water could be used again by industry – therefore preserving fresh water for human consumption.

We NEED to clean and re-use the planet’s industrial wastewater.

Please join us in pushing industry and our elected officials to make this possible.  Whether you are one of the many who enjoy painting with watercolor, or just enjoy viewing it, we need your support.  Please join the fight. StartEngine.com/ix-water

Don’t miss the virtual gallery exhibiting the beautiful works of the Colorado Water Society at Foothills Art Center, now through July 12. Click HERE