Yttrium Article By Vishnu P.

Yttrium is a rare earth metal with an atomic number of 39 and the chemical symbol Y. It is a transition metal on the periodic table and possesses a metallic silver luster. It is ductile and moderately reactive and also has a high melting point. Yttrium is never found...
Birth defects, cancer, thyroid disruption – should the (Environmental Protection Agency) EPA regulate contaminants that cause these problems?

Birth defects, cancer, thyroid disruption – should the (Environmental Protection Agency) EPA regulate contaminants that cause these problems?

Birth defects, cancer, thyroid disruption – should the (Environmental Protection Agency) EPA regulate contaminants that cause these problems? The U.S. House of Representatives on July 21, gave a resounding YES to this question by approving the PFAS Action Act of 2021....

I’m sorry, did you say Nurdle?

A nurdle is a small piece of plastic, about the size of a lentil, which is the building block from which plastic products are made. Masses of nurdles escape into the environment before they become part of a plastic product, causing nurdles to be a large portion of...
Watercolorists can join the fight!

Watercolorists can join the fight!

Water – winding rivers, tranquil lakes, stormy seas – throughout time, water is one the most popular subjects of watercolorists. There’s something about water that draws people in – both painters and the people that view their work.  Maybe they...