Wildfire Smoke

Wildfire Smoke

Just don’t breathe it … that’s what my doctor’s office told me yesterday. Surf the Internet’s medical sites and you’ll find the smoke from wildfires is accused of dramatically increased asthma attacks, damage to your lungs and heart, strokes, and even heart attacks...
World Population Day is Saturday, July 11 – What’s Our Future?

World Population Day is Saturday, July 11 – What’s Our Future?

The first World Population Day was observed on 11 July 1990. In 30 years, since that first observance, what have we calculated about our future? Well, the United Nations agrees with current estimates indicating that roughly 83 million people are being added to the...
Watercolorists can join the fight!

Watercolorists can join the fight!

Water – winding rivers, tranquil lakes, stormy seas – throughout time, water is one the most popular subjects of watercolorists. There’s something about water that draws people in – both painters and the people that view their work.  Maybe they...