by Deborah A. Deal, APR | July 9, 2020 | COVID-19, Fashion, Industrial Pollution, Uncategorized
At first thought, any mask is a good mask in fighting the spread of Covid-19.  But not so fast … It turns out that masks with valves  – think masks for painting and other industrial, clean-up and crafting uses – might do more harm than good. In fact,...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | July 1, 2020 | Drinking Water, Environment, Industrial Pollution, Industrial Wastewater, Industry, IX Water, Uncategorized, Wastewater, Water
As long ago as February 2011, the EPA announced that perchlorate – (think rocket fuel and fireworks) – posed a threat to the health of as many as 16 Million Americans. Yet, within the last two weeks — after 20+ years of debate, yelling, and dogged...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | June 24, 2020 | Climate Change, Drinking Water, Environment, Industrial Pollution, Industrial Wastewater, Industry, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater, Uncategorized, Wastewater, Water
The planet is running out of fresh water. “Over the past two centuries, freshwater usage has grown two times faster than the population,” says Steven Solomon, author of Water: The Epic Struggle for Wealth, Power, and Civilization. “As world...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | June 19, 2020 | Environment, Industrial Pollution, Industrial Wastewater, Industry, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater, Uncategorized, Water
In many conventional water treatment solutions, a wide range of chemicals are added in the system to work as coagulants, disinfectants, neutralizing agents, scale or corrosion inhibitors, and water softeners etc. Adding chemicals into the raw water not only increases...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | June 18, 2020 | Cancer, Drinking Water, Environment, Industrial Pollution, IX Water, Uncategorized
There’s a lot of things out there besides Covid-19 that can harm you, and your water is potentially one of them. If you get your water from an unregulated well in one of many counties in Colorado, or actually any state in the U.S., you need to get that water tested...