by Deborah A. Deal, APR | August 31, 2020 | Drinking Water, Environment, Industrial Wastewater, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater, Water
If you could help the states that are drying up, get 876 billion gallons more of water, would you do it? All it would take is putting regulations in place that would allow the treatment and reuse of produced water for agriculture, or at the oil & gas well pad...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | July 30, 2020 | Industrial Pollution, Industrial Wastewater, IX Water, O & G Produced Wastewater, Uncategorized, Wastewater, Water
Toluene is the terrible “T” in the BTEX family of chemicals – Benzene, Toluene, Ethylbenzene and Xylene. BTEX compounds are among the most abundantly produced chemicals in the world. IX Water is concerned about its presence in produced water from oil...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | June 17, 2020 | Cancer, Drinking Water, Environment, Industrial Pollution, IX Water, Uncategorized, Water
Part 2 on Arsenic: Aside from it outright killing you, why is monitoring and reducing arsenic contamination important? Arsenic has detrimental effects on all organ systems in the human body since it directly targets enzyme reactions. Arsenic acts as a carcinogen,...
by Deborah A. Deal, APR | September 16, 2019 | Environment, Industrial Wastewater, Industry, IX Water, Wastewater
Many industrial enterprises are faced with the question of treating/cleaning/disposing their wastewater on-site or shipping it off to be treated. What’s most effective? Cost efficient? Best for the environment? At IX Power Clean Water (IX Water) we advocate...