Water and the treatment of Women

Water and the treatment of Women (and other disadvantaged peoples) – they are at the intersection of the world’s most pressing issues. The IX Power companies have dedicated their corporate missions to helping improve the future of both. Let’s just...

Chronically Short of Water

A lot of the world is chronically short of water, but sometimes there is a problem with having too much. September, 2018 was the wettest September on record in Texas, and heavy rains last week have led to catastrophic flooding in the central part of the state. Such...

More legal hassles over produced water!

More legal hassles over produced water! See excerpt from Industrial Water World story below: The Oklahoma Oil & Gas Association (OKOGA) filed a lawsuit against the Kingfisher County Commissioners in Oklahoma State Supreme Court on Tuesday, arguing that the...

Imagine a Day Without Water

Since 2015, The US Water Alliance spends an October day raising public awareness of the importance of clean, safe water in our daily lives. It is difficult to imagine, in modern America, not having an ample supply of clean, safe, inexpensive water always at the ready....