Tijuana River still Polluting Pacific Ocean and Beaches – 40+ years

Tijuana River still Polluting Pacific Ocean and Beaches – 40+ years

By Ellie Cabell and Percy Benedict The Tijuana River between San Diego County and Tijuana, Mexico has been an issue for both sides of the border. Sewage and trash in the river have been spilling into the Pacific Ocean, closing beaches near the border and damaging...
World Population Day is Saturday, July 11 – What’s Our Future?

World Population Day is Saturday, July 11 – What’s Our Future?

The first World Population Day was observed on 11 July 1990. In 30 years, since that first observance, what have we calculated about our future? Well, the United Nations agrees with current estimates indicating that roughly 83 million people are being added to the...
EPA decides not to regulate chemical in our water that’s used in rocket fuel

EPA decides not to regulate chemical in our water that’s used in rocket fuel

As long ago as February 2011, the EPA announced that perchlorate – (think rocket fuel and fireworks) – posed a threat to the health of as many as 16 Million Americans. Yet, within the last two weeks — after 20+ years of debate, yelling, and dogged...